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I Don't Feel Secure Traveling - Part 1

I travel a lot - I have 1.7 MILLION frequent flyer miles on American Airlines alone! So I bitch and moan about travel hassles to everyone who will listen and frankly people in my life are tired of hearing about it so I'll blog about it and hopefully get it out of my system.

At the San Jose airport one time I was inline behind a very elderly couple. She was in a wheel chair and he was pushing her at a very slow shuffle using the chair as much as a walker as a mode of transportation for his wife. When they got to the front of the line about to go through the metal detector the TSA person said, "Mam you'll have to walk through." The woman raised herself out of the wheel chair with great difficulty and was holding on to the counter when the agent added, "Those shoes will need to go through X-ray." She had on little pink slippers - the sole was maybe an eighth of an inch thick and was cotten! The little old man had to get down on his hands and knees while she sat back down so he could slip her slippers off for the damn X-ray!

While this "security" process was underway, cargo was being loaded into the plane I would later fly in to Austin - most of that cargo is not searched, x-rayed, or inspected. How in hell did making that little old lady put her slippers through an x-ray machine make my flight safer???

More later...


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